
6 Business Ideas You Can Do With Friends


Want to try your luck by opening a business with friends? What are some business ideas that can be done together? Be sure to read a full review of business ideas with friends in this article on my Financials. 

What is Business with Friends?

In the midst of a world that costs money, some people choose to realize business ideas with friends. This is often considered a high chance of success because it tends to be easier to coordinate.

In addition, friends usually have thoughts and tastes that are not much different and are not too concerned with personal ego.

Referring to the existing definition, effort can be said as an activity that exerts energy, body, or mind.

The purpose of this activity, of course, is to achieve a goal. Effort is also closely related to work which is also carried out in order to get to a result.

Business Ideas You Can Do With Friends

It can be understood logically that a business with friends is an activity carried out with friends. This business idea with friends will of course always involve you and your colleagues.

Food business

A food business with friends is one of the ideas whose implementation can be said to be easy but also not easy. Any type of business requires thorough preparation.

The goal is that when a problem occurs, the business owner already has a backup plan.

This is useful to avoid the worst situation in the form of bankruptcy. Food is a basic human need and is needed every day. Therefore, the chances of success are quite large. Emerging Business Ideas of 2023

However, do not also sell products that are careless and have no appeal. Because in this modern era, everything is very competitive. To be able to attract consumers, one way is with a characteristic.

Hijab Hampers Business

Selling hijab hampers is one of the many examples of small businesses that you might be able to try with friends. The opportunity for a business idea with a friend is quite large.

There are quite a number of users of head coverings in Indonesia. From children to the elderly, everything can be the target market of this product.

There are many variations of the hijab to date. An example is the plisket pashmina which is quite popular these days.

Usually one woman has more than one hijab to change. Therefore, this business opportunity is quite large for consumers who want to buy a hijab for themselves or as a gift.

Photo Studio Business

Taking pictures is a way for people to capture certain moments that are a shame to miss. Usually to get better and more organized photos, people will choose to go to the studio.

In these places, customers can rent a place alone, with the property, or all use the services of an existing photographer. Want to start a business with friends but confused about what to choose?

Have photography skills and set photo backgrounds? Have a camera with good quality?

Maybe you can choose this photo studio business to work with friends. However, even if you have a talent for taking pictures, still make preparations for this business idea with friends.

Laundry Washing 

Washing clothes is one of the daily activities that is quite draining. Especially if the amount of laundry has piled up. Instead of enthusiasm, sometimes laziness comes to attack.

If this is the case, laundry is usually the goal to make clean clothes before reuse. Well, for those of you who are looking for an idea to build a business with friends, maybe laundry can be an option.

Terlebih dahulu kamu dan rekan perlu mempelajari hal-hal tentang usaha cuci ini. Jangan menganggap remeh ide usaha bareng teman ini. Selain itu, selalu bersabar, tekun, dan jangan mudah menyerah karena memang semuanya perlu perjuangan

Barber Shop Business

Do you know what a barber shop is? It simply means a barbershop. Cutting hair is an activity that is needed by both men and women.

The age group of children to the elderly also need it. Therefore, the target consumers are very diverse. This business can be done if you have the expertise.

Barber shop is not just a haircut, it needs something else that can attract customers. For example, there are offers of hair rinse packages and so on.

If you are still starting out, this business can be a business idea for both. Then, when the clients are abundant, you and your friends can add employees.

Car Wash Business

Washing a car is not something that many people like. Apart from being lazy, some car owners often don't have time to clean their cars.

Car wash services will be an option for problems in the form of dirty cars. Usually the washing results from this business are also cleaner than washing yourself at home.

Are you interested in making it a business idea with friends? It's fine as long as the preparation and capital can be arranged properly. You could say car washing is a type of business with friends that requires a large amount of capital. Innovative Business Ideas for 2023

So, it's good to do planning related to capital and so on in detail.

Ready to Start a Profitable Business with Friends?

Basically, when choosing to start a business with friends, you have to be prepared to mix opinions. Business ideas with friends must involve you and your friends. All parties must contribute and help each other.

The points above are some business ideas with friends that might be your choice in starting a business. Always maintain the quality of communication between business pioneers.

Also think about how to attract good customers so they don't lose out in business competition.

In addition, you and your friends must be both good at managing your business finances. This will certainly support the sustainability of your business.

Well, you and your friends can learn how to manage business finances properly, through the audiobook below.

Reference sources:
Tri Andry. June 19, 2019. A suitable business idea for those of you who want to do business with friends. –
Bizshare. 08 September 2020. 5 Small Business Ideas You Can Start with Friends, with Minimal Capital too. –
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